剛看完"叛獄風雲"(The Experiment)
這是部由1971年美國心理學家所進行的監獄實驗, 真人真事改編...
實驗的內容, 大致上是把一群平常人分成兩組:獄卒和囚犯,
在封閉的環境下, 獄卒擁有絕對的權力, 而囚犯則被需聽命行事, 基本的人權暫時會被剝奪...
儘管有許許多多的規定需遵守, 但唯一一條最高準則:無論任何情況下, 都不准使用暴力(No violence allowed)
另外, 還有一個重要的背書, 那就是只要"紅燈"一響起, 一切馬上會結束, 而受驗者也拿不到該有的籌勞...
過程和結局我就不多說了, 留給還沒有看過的朋友去體會...
但看完以後, 總覺得心情很沉重, 因為實在是太真實了...
Absolute power brings absolute corruption...strongs eat weaks...these are cruelly (but sadly) true.
You can deny it, but after all we are no better than monkeys in some circumstances...
如果有人看完還對這一類的題材有興趣的話, 我會推薦你們去看"惡魔教室"(The Wave)
Despite of all the defects, I still believe people are good (maybe not by nature, but developed)
That's what keeps us live in this planet until now...isn't it? :) |