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Have you ever played “Monopoly”? Have you ever wondered what leads Charles Darrow to invent the game?
The famous Wall Street Crash occurred in 1929. The world economy entered tough times. Many people lost their jobs. Charles Darrow was one of them. One day, Darrow remembered the good times when he and his wife had money and wanted to pay a visit to the favorite town, Atlantic City. Having no money to go on vacation led Darrow to invent this game.
He wrote down some the the city’s street name on a board. Later, he added more locations, like train stations and power plants. He also put price tags on each of them. Darrow invented the new game and called the game “Monopoly.” In the game, a player could start out with very little and end up owning large parts of the city.
In the real life, you may have a tough time. However, in the game, you can end up owing a lot of houses and businesses. This is one of the reasons that people like to play “Monopoly.”