有一次我問外籍老師: Haagn Dazs or Cold Stone, is there a difference in terms of their serving sizes? If you were being calorie conscious, which shop would you choose to eat at?
他居然回答我: Don't eat any ice cream. Eat fat free or low fat soft served yogurt. It tastes just like ice cream but way less fattening. It's delicious and healthier!
蛤! 我是愛吃甜食的人, 不吃冰淇淋, 怎可能? 自己也知道冰淇淋的熱量很高, 但是常常止不住那濃郁香濃可口的誘惑.
只要出示身分證明和全國教師會的會卡, 週一至週五, 新光三越百貨公司提供2小時的免費停車優惠. 所以今天去了新光三越, 吃了一客Cold Stone, 當作是送給自己的小小的假期. 矮油, 不是我不減肥, 只是敵人太強大了啦!