檔案狀態:    住戶編號:797369
 翦翦風 的日記本
別有 簡訊 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 7月10日生日
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篇名: november moon
作者: 翦翦風 日期: 2009.07.09  天氣:  心情:

here’s a group shot I haven’t shared before…. I had this idea, you know how ideas go, to have a nice cosy scene of the dolls together, just prior to…. well they all look rather tipsy here in my armchair, don’t they, but oh well, here they are……
Enjoy your - my goodness it is Thursday…. Thursday….. and I think there could be a giveaway tomorrow, so…. yes:)

mixed media spoon set ‘write a poem every day’…. each spoon in this set of five is different and individual but as I worked so I realised how they wanted to stay as a set, a family, a storytelling collection of mixed-up words and ideas, fragments, frayed edges, buttons and quirky wood……. As I worked I made patterns with words and meanings led to other thoughts….. The button with the floral handle has such a nice curve and the floral part is stuffed and soft, contrasting with the wood….. the central spoon has my embroidery handwriting, of course, and so is something of a mother spoon to the others…. I hope you enjoy looking at these….. They were very time-consuming to make, of course I did not realise this as I started out, just how long it would take, but once you start putting the ingredients together it’s best to just stick with with it and see what is what….:)

carving spoon handles…. so you can see most will be slighter than the large one at the beginning of this post…. but I am aiming to make all sorts:) I hope to have a selection of mixed media spoons and other things in my shop this coming Wednesday….
I hope your weekend has been a good one - no shopping list this week, my apologies, the spoons and sunshine took over! take care and thanks always for your comments x


For someone who said she wants to concentrate on painting, I seem to be making quite a few dolls lately… Isn’t that often the way? You say you want to explore something and yet other possibilities and ideas step in. This is good, I feel, after all I like making dolls and I especially like making people smile.  What I can ’say’ through dolls is exciting, because they can come up with their own stories, mysteries and so on. If you look at the smaller details you will find out bits, and things about all sorts. If that is cryptic enough.
Meanwhile, I am painting. I have been working with oils and also acrylics. I’ve played about with combining with the both, which is when all those ‘you should not do…’ kind of rules come to mind, and then you go ahead and ‘do it’ anyway, just to see. Sometimes, placing one colour next to another is almost like laying down pieces in some kind of strange puzzle that might at any moment collapse, or combust. I am not sure about most of the paintings I am working on at the moment. Infact some are pretty awful, but I am working toward rather than simply making.
瀏覽次數:441    人氣指數:19101    累積鼓勵:933
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
別有 簡訊 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 7月10日生日
時間:2009-07-10 23:26
他, 42歲,雲林縣,建築營造
作者回覆說[2009-07-10 23:30]:


時間:2009-07-10 11:38
他, 64歲,嘉義縣,政府機關
作者回覆說[2009-07-10 14:43]:


時間:2009-07-10 11:27
他, 57歲,台北市,藝術
作者回覆說[2009-07-10 14:42]:


時間:2009-07-09 23:18
她, 49歲,新竹縣,服務
作者回覆說[2009-07-09 23:20]:

