其實分手就是分手. 分手還有什麼理由可找的嘛. 藉口是一曾曾塗在人身上的水彩顏料. 一旦遇到下雨天. 一定會帶走你身上的水彩. 到最後你還是現出你的原形… 所以dont tlak nonsence coz we are not interest anymore
break up with someone. there is no reason to explain for that.
sorry we dont except rubblish. 愛情本來就是 1+1=2的答案
一個人跟一個人在一起就會變成兩個人的事 以前一個人的我行我素,現在是兩個人之間要做好良好的溝通
不然到最後一定會變成1+1=1+1 當然愛情本來就是很difficult to work out the answer. So wee are try to prove the same problem from beginning till the ended. And we start over and over again. Sometimes we are look for the question so hard. But we still cannot find out the problem. Where is the solution? Who knows??