Through The Eyes Of Love-Ice Castles Performed by -- Britt Nicole (2010)
Original from - Melissa Manchester
Please don’t let this feeling end
It’s everything I am
Everything I wanna be (英文歌wanna=want to)
I can see what’s mine now
Finding out what’s true
Since I’ve found you
Looking through the eyes of love
The Soundlike Ensemble -Theme from Ice Castles (Soundlike樂團-冰城堡主題)
Now I can take the time
I can see my life
As it comes up shining now
Reaching out to touch you
Through The Eyes Of Love-Ice Castles - Britt Nicole (Feb,9,2010 Ver)
I can feel so much
Since I’ve found you
Looking through the eyes of love
Through The Eyes Of Love (Lyrics歌詞字幕)
And now, I do believe
That even in the storm
We’ll find some light
Knowing you’re beside me
I’m all right
Please don’t let this feeling end
It might not come again
And I want to remember
How it feels to touch you
How I feel so much
Since I found you
Looking through the eyes of love
And now, I do believe
That even in the storm
We’ll find some light
Knowing you’re beside me
I’m all right
Now I can take the time
I can see my life
As it comes up shining now
Reaching out to touch you
I can feel so much
Since I’ve found you
Looking through the eyes of love
~END~ Feb 9, 2010 版本 ----------------------
Ice Castles Starring Taylor Firth, Rob Mayes, Henry Czerny and Eve Crawford
Ice Castles (冰上圓舞曲) 是一部勵志的溜冰影片 (Feb 9, 2010) PS
女主角 Taylor Firth (泰勒弗斯)
劇中的 Lynn-Holly Johnson 曾是1978年溜冰冠軍,具職業級水準喔!
男主角 Robby Benson (羅伯梅耶思)
電影主題曲 Through the Eyes of Love - Melissa Manchester主唱,
蕾西:I thought you'd never come. (我以為你不會過來)
尼克:We forgot about the bears. (我們忘記會有小熊玩偶)
雖不是很感人的對話,但We forgot about the bears話一出,
片尾曲--Through the Eyes of Love
Ice Castles 很適合情侶同看,網友近來可至影租店租回觀看重溫溜冰舊夢。
電影主題曲 Through the Eyes of Love ( Melissa Manchester主唱 )
劇中Lynn-Holly Johnson 其優秀的表現曾入圍
Golden Globe - New Star of the Year in a Motion Picture – Female