卻祇聽見他說:現在人在中泰賓館 kiss 舞廳,那震耳欲聾雷鬼重金屬的樂團演奏音響,喧天鑼鼓轟隆隆的吵著她的耳膜快要炸掉了,她幾乎用吼叫的聲音回過去說:趕快開著他的紅色BMW跑車過來載她,要不然就從此不理他了!她今天的心情實在是有夠糟,想說連在這個鬱結的時刻裡,連她最親密的男友還在和他公司商務往來的外國朋友們,正在飲酒做樂。
一路上倆人除了剛上車時有正面交談過以外,車一路行經路轉過外環道路及圓山士林等鬧區時倆人皆沉吟不語,氣份有點兒尷尬也有點兒僵冷,到像是司機溫馨接送情一般,那車上優美的旋律歌聲撥放著好聽的Air Supply的舒情老歌 NOW AND FORVER & LOST IN LOVE.........倒是化解了不少倆人囚禁於車內密閉空間尷尬的氣份;車內瀰漫著一股淡淡的白麝香氣味,自那少女的頸項間髮稍末端飄散出來。
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,
Telling me just what a fool I’ve been.
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,
And let me be alone again.
Now the only girl I’ve ever loved has gone away.
Looking for a brand new start!
But little does she know that when she left that day.
Along with her she took my heart.
Rain, please tell me, now does that seem fair
For her to steal my heart away when she don’t care
I can’t love another, when my heart’s somewhere far away.
Rain, won’t you tell her that I love her so
Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow
Rain in her heart and let the love we know start to grow.