There are 119 days till 2007. @};-A position a day: Shifting into drive. I have ever talked to my friends or family about what I should do in my love-life? Here are a few examples of the advice I hear from the people around me: - Go hang out where "good men" are likely to be and you'll meet a great guy. - Be active, have fun and keep a busy and interesting life of your own. - Don't act clingy or needy. - Don't expect to meet any good men in bars, clubs, party places, etc. - Meet men while doing things you like to do so you have similar interests. - Let him initiate... wait for him to call you or ask you out. - Play a little bit "hard to get". Sound familiar? Do they work on me? Don't know and still wondering….:-/ Most of that advice has nothing to do with how things ACTUALLY work with men, dating and relationships. That's right. Nothing.[-X @};-