檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1641065
 娟o(≧▽≦)oAmy 的日記本
我在愛寓看過的一段話 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 聖誕節
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: Marry U
作者: 娟o(≧▽≦)oAmy 日期: 2009.12.23  天氣:  心情:

Super Junior 除了 Sorry Sorry 之外
所以我也勤勞一點 把歌詞的意思大約打出來了

Super Junior - Marry U
(RAP) Love~ oh baby my girl
You are my everything
My dazzling beautiful bride
You are a gift from god
We'll be very happy
Your black eyes welled up with tears
Even if your black memerizing hair turns white
My love, ELF my love
I swear I love you

Saying I love you everyday in my life is what I want to do the most
Would you marry me?
I want to love you, treasure you and live with you
(我要愛你 珍惜你 和你住在一起)
I want you to lean on my shoulders each time you sleep
(你每次睡覺時 我要你靠在我肩膀上睡)

Would you marry me?

With this heart of mine, will you accept me?
To accompany you for the whole lifetime (I Do)
(永遠陪在你身邊 我願意)
To love you (I Do)
(愛你 我願意)
Regardless of snow and rain, I will be there to protect you (I Do)
(不管下雪或雨, 我都會在那裡保護著你 我願意)
Let me be the one to protect you (My Love)
(就讓我來保護你 我的愛)

You wearing the white bridal gown
Me wearing the suit
Both of us walking in sync towards the stars and moon
I swear no lies, no suspicions
(我發誓, 沒有謊言, 沒有疑問)
My dearest princess, stay with me
(我的寶貝公主, 和我一起吧)

Even if we are becoming older
We will smile and live on
Would you marry me?
Are you willing to live the rest of your life with me?

No matter how weary and tired we are,
I will always be by your side (I Do)
(我永遠都會在你身邊 我願意)
The days when we will spend together
Everyday my heart will be thankful

Since a long time ago, I have prepared this for you
(從很久以前, 我早就準備這個給你)
Please take this shiny ring in my hand
Just like the mood today, remember the promise that we're making now
(像今天的氣氛, 記得我們現在說的誓言)
Would you marry me?

To accompany you for the whole lifetime (I Do)
(永遠陪在你身邊 我願意)
To love you (I Do)
(愛你 我願意)
Regardless of snow and rain, I will be there to protect you (I Do)
(不管下雪或雨, 我都會在那裡保護著你 我願意)
Let me be the one to protect you (My Love)
(就讓我來保護你 我的愛)

The only thing that I can give you is love
Although it's insignificant,
even though there are areas which I lack
(雖然 我還有缺點)
I will protect the love between us, me and you
(我會保護我們之間的愛, 我和你) 
But let's make a promise, 
(不過, 我們來約定)
no matter what happens, we will still be in love
(不管發生什麼事, 我們還是會相愛)
And even so, every day my heart will be thankful
(就算如此, 我的心仍存感激)

瀏覽次數:225    人氣指數:1985    累積鼓勵:88
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
我在愛寓看過的一段話 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 聖誕節
時間:2009-12-24 01:16
時間:2009-12-23 02:19
她, 39歲,亞洲其他,學生
時間:2009-12-23 02:13
她, 39歲,亞洲其他,學生
作者回覆說[2009-12-23 02:16]:

so would you marry me?
哈哈  [=D]
