There are 116 days till 2007. @};-A position a day: The thigh master. Chat with teacher BB about plastic surgery and I tell him if I can have plastic surgery done to make myself look better I,ll like to have it. He laughs loudly and tells me I seem like a beautiful lady appearance wise, he does'nt see how I'll need it. Besides, he tells me an interesting story. A woman was getting a little old and she was always afraid the she was not beautiful anymore. One day, she had a heart attack and was taken to a hospital. While the doctors were treating her in the emergency room, she died—just for a minute. During that short time, she met God. The woman asked God whether she was died. God tell her that she would live for another 40 years. Then the woman woke up. The doctors told the woman that she would have to stay in the hospital... To be continued~ @};-