The Ant and The Craack Going down some old cement steps. I noticed an ant carrying a leaf on its back. The leaf was many times bigger than the ant. Then the ant come to a big crack in the cement that it couldn't cross. The ant stopped for a moment.I wondered if the ant would turn back or proceed into the crack without the leaf.Instead,the ant put the crack and then crossed the crack by walking across the leaf.On the other side.the ant picked up the leaf and continued on its journey. It wade me think that God gives people wisdom by which they know how to lay down the heavy burdens of today.cross the hard places in life everyday.and meet with sucess in the future.
(當我步下老舊的水泥階梯時, 注意到有隻螞蟻扛了一片葉子在他的背上,這片葉子比螞蟻大了很多倍, 那時候這隻螞蟻遇到了水泥的一個大裂縫,他沒有辦k跨越. 螞蟻停了一會,我很好奇,這隻螞蟻會掉頭離去,還是會留下葉子走進裂縫中?但是兩者都不是,這隻螞蟻把葉子橫跨在裂縫上,而且從葉子上走過去,跨過裂縫到了另一邊,螞蟻搬起葉子繼續他的旅程. 這讓我想到,上帝賜人智慧,知道怎樣卸下今日的重擔,去跨越生命中每一天的困難,獲得未來的成功.)
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