"New song? What is it? " ask son.
"Ghost in the machine."
"Who is the singer? " I ask.
"Bob Ray, dad"
"Again, he also sings soft rock?" I ask.
"He has wide range, dad, listen to this one"
"That is Magic, I know this song"
"How about the Rap part?" He ask.
"I don't know, who is it? Still Bob Ray?" I ask.
"Yeh, right, good job"
"I know DCFC' songs belong to Indi Rock, how about The One Republic's songs?" I ask
"They belong to Alternative Rock"
Always get his answer about music right away, Great. These are our conversation, about music.
Good to have a 17 years old boy, I can always collect new infomation about music, not feel far behind from my own favorite interest, music.
Listening for 20 minutes to Bob Ray's songs on the way to work, wow, he can really Raps, I like the melody, even I don't quite understand what are the meaning (too fast)
Not too many people at my age are still listening to Rap, proud of myself. Ha!