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 天空的一片雲 的日記本
第一天寫日記於housefun 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2011年1月17日
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篇名: 2011年1月15日
作者: 天空的一片雲 日期: 2011.01.15  天氣:  心情:
I want to do something different from now. I tink maybe I can try to write my dairy in English.
I hope I can persist it forever. It is just a start.
I think today is good for me. I got up at 9 o clock and took a easy breakfast. Then I drove my car to WenShun(文山) athelic center to play basketball with my college classmates and some unknown friends.
It was my first time to join their acitivity and my classmates invited me about two months ago. But I had several dates with a junior high school classmte to take photos of mapple leaves in the high mountain, so I just can join them in this time. I had a long time not to play basketball so I didn t fell very good at this time. But I think it will be Ok for me if I can continue to play with them. I think I can make by body more healty. Suitable sports are good for our health.
After playing basketball, I left for 中華 telecom in Benchuan(板橋) to hoin their bridge club activity in the afternoon. On my way to the destination, it was woeful for me. Before my car went on the freeway, there was a road construction on myway to freeway. So I spent more time than usual. After I were on the highway, it went on smoothly. But before I left freeway about 3 kilometers, traffic signs told us that there was traffic jam on the following road. So I spent more time than as usaul again. I found three cars accident in the JonHo(中和) tunnel. [:~] .... and all way to my target place was almost the same. Maybe I should turn back and go home. Just kidding, If I done so , my friend will kill me. Fortumately, I got to the place on time. But I don t have enough time eat lunch. It didn t have much time before the game started. So I just can join it. Just like today s traffic, we play no good for today s bridge. I and my parter had some mistakes in today s game. All I can said were that it is really not my day.
瀏覽次數:12    人氣指數:12    累積鼓勵:0
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第一天寫日記於housefun 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2011年1月17日