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篇名: HR英文教室 Email篇
作者: 靈魂擺渡 日期: 2013.07.29  天氣:  心情:

HR英文教室 Email

Requirement for Additional Manpower


Dear President, As orders have begun to revive in the past three months, production capacity has gradually begun to reach the maximum limit of our Xiamen and Kunshan factories. As our new products for the third quarter are launched for the market and the European division is established, a lack of manpower is beginning to appear in various departments. As the company already laid off 124 people at the end of last year, there should be room for hiring opportune reinforcements at the current stage.


Currently there are only 21 people left in the sales division's overseas department, including supervisors. Recruitment will have to begin now if we aim to finish setting up branch companies in Germany, France, Sweden, and Czechoslovakia in the third quarter. To date the human resource department has already gotten in contact with job banks in all four of these nations, so recruitment can begin at any time.


As for the main office, there are staffing requirements in the operational, marketing and planning, product design, quality control, and general affairs departments. The HR department has compiled all of the related requirements, so please refer to the attachment. The HR department has already instructed each unit to establish personnel evaluation systems for each department in order to reach the highest efficacy of personnel allocation and prevent issues such as the hiring of redundant personnel. We ask that you attend the manpower requirement meeting taking place at 2 pm this Wednesday, and provide us with further instruction during the meeting.

至於總公司的營運、行銷企劃、產品設計部、品管部及總務部門都有人力上的需求,人事部已彙整相關需求,請參考附件。為達人力配置的最高效益,人事部已責呈各單位應建立各部門的人力評估制度,避免冗員等問題產生。懇請總經理撥冗參加本週三下午兩點的人力需求會議,並於會中予以指示。* *人事部經理

Manager, Human Resources Department

Eva Chang

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北京流行的笑話 [ 新警察吧? 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 職場社群..
時間:2013-08-05 23:03
她, 50歲,高雄市,資訊
