L is for the way you look at me L是你凝視我的方式
O is for the only one I see O是我眼中唯一
V is very, very extraordinary V是超級與眾不同
E is even more than anyone that you adore can E是對你比你對任何人的愛還要再多一點
Love is all that I can give to you 愛是我能獻給你的全部
Love is more than just a game for two 愛不僅僅是兩人之間的遊戲
Two in love can make it 兩個熱戀的人能實現許多夢想
Take my heart and please don t break it 佔有我的心吧但請別傷害它
Love was made for me and you 愛因你我而生