Remember that piano, so delightful, unusual That classic sensation, sentimental confusion
*Used to say "I like Chopin" Love me now and again Oh oh oh ...
Rainy days, never say good-bye To desire when we are together Rainy days growing in your eyes Tell me where's our way?
Imagine your face in a sunshine reflection A vision of blue sky, forever distractions(*)
還記得那鋼琴聲,讓人心怡,如此不凡 那古典的情懷,情感的糾葛
曾經說過:我愛蕭邦 愛我吧!再一次
下雨天,絕不說再見 當我倆在一起,絕不有任何慾望 雨天在你眼中形成 告訴我,我們該去向何處?
想像在陽光映照下的你的臉龐 是藍天的幻象,永恆的迷亂