Each human being is a function of everything he/she experienced in life. Each action, each word, each expression has it's root. And those who acted erradically usually experienced some harsh events while growing up and can only be understood by having thorough understanding of his/her life (or has detail documentation of that person).
Those kind of people are defined in clinical psychology as having Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)*. Which turned out to be a very common problem for a lot of people (including myself...I think ). I will discuss more about BPD in my future diary once I have a better understanding of it.
* Note: A lot of broken relationships are directly related to BPD.
-------------------------------------- The Logical Song 是1979年 Supertramp 樂團的暢銷歌曲. 詞曲的創作者是樂團的發起人 Roger Hodgson. 這首歌除了旋律跟唱腔很特殊之外, 它的歌詞也是非常引人深思. 主要是在批判僵化的教育制度跟社會規範對一個人從幼童到成人所產生的影響.