There are 354 days till 2007. Fables are simple stories which teach us something important about life. When it comes to classic fables which have a moral at the end of the story, Aesop is perhaps the most famous writer of all. There is an interesting one: A dog and a rooster became good friends and went everywhere together. Every evening, the rooster flew up into the branches of a tree to sleep. The dog slept at the bottom of the tree, which was hollow. One morning, the rooster woke early and cried “Cock-a-doodle-doo!” as usual. A fox who was nearby heard the rooster and came over to the tree. “Good morning to you, Rooster. What a fine singing voice you have,” said the fox. “Thank you. It is kind of you to say so,” replied the rooster. “Come down here with me and let us chat. I would like to be your friend,” the fox went on..... @};-