2015愛人怪物 Closet Monster 2011依戀,在生命最後八天 Chicken with Plums 2009我的意外老公 The Accidental Husband
2001 Empire 2000 Cielo cade, Il;Sky Will Fall, The
1998 Left Luggage 1998雙傻出海 Impostors, The 1996葬禮 Funeral, The 1996狂宴 Big Night 1995 Croce e delizia
1994永遠的愛人 Immortal Beloved 1994執法悍將 Wyatt Earp 1993桃色控訴 Innocent, The
1993劫後生死戀 Fearless;Joyride 1992捉神弄鬼 Death Becomes Her 1991 Caccia alla vedova 1990國王的情婦 Dames galantes
1990我心狂野 Wild at Heart 1989親親表妹 Cousins 1988危機邊緣 Zelly and Me;Phoebe 1987硬漢不舞 Tough Guys Don't Dance
1987情不自禁 Siesta 1987 Red Riding Hood 1986藍絲絨 Blue Velvet 1985飛越蘇聯 White Nights
1981 In the Pope's Eye 1979 Prato, Il;Meadow, The 1976花落花開 Matter of Time, A