5月是我一年中最忙的月份 從昨天下午到公司忙到凌晨4點才睡 一早又從9點做到下午 經常堆積如山的文件總算利用這兩天的把它稿定 忙到幾乎忘了時間 直到小女兒打電話來說牛排館已訂位7點鐘,叫我早點回家 孩子們的這份孝心,也真令我欣慰 尤期高一的小女兒送給我的母親卡更是令我感動,裏頭寫著: Thank you for raising me up all these years. I really don't know how to show my appreciation to you. In my mind,you are a support ,patient and loving tree, and always shelter me from storms. You are not only a symbol of maternal love, but also a excellent guide,a good teacher. You are the most beautiful and remarkable mother in the world. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Ilove you very much.