You took your coat off and stood in the rain
你脫下外套 孤身佇立在雨中
You were always crazy like that
And I watched from my window
Always felt I was outside looking in on you
仍企盼著能將你看穿 走進你心中的世界
You were always the mysterious one with dark eyes and careless hair
黝黑的眼眸和一頭亂髮 讓你透著神秘的氣息
You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care
你從不在意 但總在不自覺中散發出迷人的神態
You stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
你就站在我面前 兩人卻無話可說
Besides some comment on the weather
Well in case you failed to notice, in case you failed to see
你是否有注意到? 你是否有看到?
This is my heart bleeding before you, this is me down on my knees
我的心淌血不止 我已無力再面對一切
These foolish games are tearing me apart
這些可笑的戲碼 無情的將我撕裂
And your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
而你僅為了應付我的無心話語 句句讓我心碎
You're breaking my heart
You were always brilliant in the morning
And smoking your cigarettes and talking over coffee
抽著煙 啜飲咖啡 談著話
Your philosophies on art, Baroque moved you
你談笑時的眉飛色舞 讓你格外的迷人
You loved Mozart and you speak of your loved ones
還有其他許多你的喜好 你的習慣
As I clumsily strummed my guitar
總讓我感到 你我身處在兩個不同的世界
Well excuse me, guess I've mistaken you for somebody else
或許 是我錯看了你
Somebody who gave a damn, somebody more like myself
我以為你是那個在乎我的人 我以為你是那個懂我的人
These foolish games are tearing me
這些可笑的戲碼 無情的將我撕裂
You're tearing me, you're tearing me apart
你跟著他們一起 嘲弄地看著我被四分五裂
Your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
而那些僅為了應付我的無心話語 句句讓我心碎
You're breaking my heart
You took your coat off and stood in the rain
你脫下外套 孤身佇立在雨中
You were always crazy like that