Getting busier and busier from work now. I need to start studying the user manual and many documents for the new assignment. In the mean time, I need to prepare my own user manuals for my current jobs. I won't have too much time to come to this web site from now. Probably just write my own diary, respond, and read some good friends' diary and comment. Hope I will have more time in the near future. I will travel a lot next year, that makes me think about this song 驛動的心 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had been searching and making friends from this web site for one and half months. Really making good progress in making friends. I guess it is time to return to my own life after finding one good friend who we can start to go further. 像張忠謀先生說的 到海邊選擇一塊自己最欣賞的石頭 歡歡喜喜的把它帶回家 從此就不要到海邊撿石頭了