補寫﹕今日同左個朋友一齊出去以前間學校拿證書,當然我朋友今年會係間學校升班,對於我來講,我唔會升班|太多心往事~~我唔想再回憶,反而我認為轉新環境係會好好多。跟住同埋個fd去左勞工處,我就收到ive sent sms talk to me you are received me study the tow year course then you talk to me the one year the入學試is fail ><"~~~`too bad because the maths exam is english language ar~~~i unknown what do you to do then the exam is fail ~~~wowowowowow~~~ tomorrow go to school pay the 學費,不過我認為無一年or two year i think i;ll wark hard to study ar~~~thx help for me the teacher ar~~