"No, Romeo, don t look at me like that, you can t have table food."
Why not? I think, haven t you done that before? I had my old pal Kathy for 16 years, she had table food for a long time, then I mixed our left over with her dog food, see how long she lived? 16 years, does not that equal human s 112 years (times 7, correct me if I am wrong). She passed away last year, long life.
Had her since she was a puppy when we lived in Arizona, running wild in our neighborhood, if you don t know what Arizona looks like, we live in the hill, full of cactus, like I own half of the mountain (too exaggerate), but she could just run and play for hours without any problem, not like here in California, if you let dogs run without supervision, you might get tickets.
After moving here, she has less space, since she is a Rottweiler and Labrador mixed, big dog, we can hardly take her to the park because she was always so excited and it is hard to pull her, so less and less chance to the park, that make her sad, I believe. Anyway she lived up to 16, I tried my besto to take care of her. We all miss her.
"Can we have another puppy, please?" sons asked,
"That will be a big responsbility, you have to feed him, play with him and most important, you have to clean his pee and poo", I told them.
"Yes, we will, promise".
Yeh, right, now they all come to my responsibility.
Thanks god, now I only need to clean 2 to 3 times a day in the house, compare to more than 10 times in the first two months.
I don t regret it, I love dogs, and they keep me company when I am lonely, also bring so much fun to me.