There are 105 days till 2008. Baseball is one of Taiwan’s favorite sports. Almost anyone can play baseball, even people who can not see. Baseball for blind and visually impaired people is an increasingly popular sport in Taiwan. Beep baseball, as it is called, gets its name from the different beeping sounds that the ball, the pitcher’s mound and the bases make to let the players know where they are. In beep baseball, each team has a sighted pitcher and catcher. There are special rules too. Everyone must wear a blindfold so that the visually impaired players do not have an advantage over the blind players. A sighted volunteer says “ready” then “ball” as the beeping ball is pitched. If the ball is hit then the batter must run to either first base or third base, according to which one is beeping. Each base is located about thirty meters from the home plate... @};-