Step 1: 老外中翻英
At the beginning of life.
Sex is good.
Basically, all the sex are same.
But it depends on how the
way you do it.
If you do not practice all the time.
Sex will leave you.
The way of learning it..
is very important to make
love with only one person..
Once a great mother, Mrs. Meng.
chose her neighbor to
avoid bad sex influence..
If you don’t study hard,.
Your Dick will become useless..
Dou, the Famous.
owned a very effective
exciting medicine.
All his five son took it.
and their sexual ability
were well-known..
If your children don t know how to do it,.
It is all your fault..
If they had lots of problems with it,.
their teacher must be too
lazy to tell them details on sex..