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 Anne 的日記本
Hesitating ="= 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 LiFe = bUsy
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篇名: If we knew...
作者: Anne 日期: 2008.07.16  天氣:  心情:
Wah, using hp to type diary c0uld be the 1st time oh..
mm.. Yty get our last sem result le, 3.54..
Although it s d 1st time get m0re than 3.5..
But overall nt very gud..
still.. Nvm la.. Juz let it be..

v chat quite l0t yty..
Juz felt like its diffrent..
It cant be seri0us anym0re..
Juz built a wall ar0und my heart
n will never let it fall apart..
Otherwise.. It hurts badly.. I think..
He said d0nt b sad even he s n0t there in my life anym0re.. Wat d0es it means?
D0nt feel anything in these kind of c0nversati0n anym0re.. C0z it quite hurt when truely feel it..
Huh.. Wat ll i do..with0ut him?
H0w do i live..
Perhaps dat day will c0me..
Or maybe n0t..
Just cn wait.. Till when we re ready..
Keepin dis relati0n.. Although it tired me up..
But.. As l0ng as we happy..it d0sent matter anym0re..

if we knew.. Our future..
H0w it w0uld be...
瀏覽次數:120    人氣指數:1500    累積鼓勵:69
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Hesitating ="= 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 LiFe = bUsy