We Will Rock You
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We Will Rock You - Queen (皇后合唱團)
皇后合唱團(Queen)成立於1971年,主唱為 Freddie Mercury,皇后合唱團(Queen)的樂風結合搖滾、歌劇式唱腔,音樂影響力不亞於齊柏林飛船合唱團 (Led Zeppelin),是搖滾史上一個重量級的團體。
皇后合唱團(Queen) 的「波西米亞狂想曲 Bohemian Rhapsody」這首歌劇搖滾經典名作,在金氏世界紀錄曾創下「史上最受英國聽眾歡迎單曲」的紀錄,其他讓人懷念的好歌更是不勝枚舉。
We Will Rock You 的節奏強烈而且旋律好聽,相信是大家耳熟能詳,今天先介紹這首 We Will Rock You ,讓大家以後萬一精神不濟時,可以過來聽聽這首 We Will Rock You 提振一下精神! ^__^
˙We Will Rock You - Queen (皇后合唱團)
˙We Will Rock You - 可愛版
˙帕華洛帝 + Queen - Too Much Love Will Kill You
We Will Rock You - Queen (皇后合唱團)
We Will Rock You - Queen (皇后合唱團) 慢及快 兩種現場演唱 Live 版
We Will Rock You - Queen (皇后合唱團)
We Will Rock You - Queen (皇后合唱團)
Buddy you're a boy
Make a big noise playin' in the street
Gonna be a big man some day
You got blood on your face, big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place
singing We will, we will rock you (ha ha)
We will, we will rock you
Keep the beat up, why, I'm gonna turn your heat up
Gonna get you on the floor, gonna turn your feet up
Rockin' you, like I never rocked you before
Like the way I do, got you screamin' for more
We're causin' utter devastation
When we steppin' to the place
You better believe that you can see
We're gonna rock and never stop
And here we go again
Hit you with the flow again
Kick it up the second time around
we'll bring it on again - shout it up
We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go
Buddy you're an old man, poor man,
Pleading With you're eyes
Gonna make you something some day
You got mud on your face, big disgrace
Somebody better put you back in your place
singing We will, we will rock you (ha ha)
We will, we will rock you