佣金計算是最複雜的一項工作, 昨天從頭演練給接替的人 (有三個人呢)看, 每個人都怕到了
我看啊我想要脫身, 恐怕還沒那麼容易呢
另外一項年終盤點, 全公司也只有我會如何在電腦上操作, 不過這項不難, 且一年一次, 接手的應該
沒問題. 每年為了這盤點, 年底都得進公司, 無法像其他的人一樣放長假 (聖誕節一直放到一月初)
明年開始我也可以享受到這個優惠了, nice
不知道我的工作都分完了, 等我從巴西回來, 我還能作什麼呢? 我是閒不住的, 沒事做我可是頭發昏的
公司不會不要我的, 我知道以後還有兩個國家也要我去幫忙 implement 這系統呢, 不管了, 船到
橋頭自然直, 隨遇而安吧, 我的天主會帶領我的, 一切就交到他的手上吧
距離回台灣的日子已不到一個月了, 對未來新的工作及學習有股莫名的興奮, 當然最令我興奮期待的莫
過於要面對面的見到她了. 那會是完全不同於電話的聯繫與接觸吧
來聽 Europe 的 "Final Countdown"
We're leaving together
but still it's farewell
and maybe we'll come back,
to earth, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame
we're leaving ground (leaving ground)
will things ever be the same again?
It's the final countdown.
The final countdown.
Oh, We're heading for Venus (Venus)
and still we stand tall
cause maybe they've seen us
and welcome us all, yeah
with so many light years to go
and things to be found (to be found)
I'm sure that we'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown.
The final countdown.
The final countdown (final countdown).
The final countdown.
Oh, it's the final countdown.
The final countdown.
The final countdown. (final countdown)
Oh, it's the final countdown
we're leaving together
The final countdown
we'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown (final countdown)
Oh, it's the final countdown