終於明天起要開始每年最長的假期了, 連週末加起來共有六天的假呢
24 號要帶姪女去 MALL shopping, 順便把我的新玩具 I PHONE 買衣服及保護模
25 號聖誕節那天下午四點開始要參加彌撒 6:00 晚餐, 然後表演節目, 抽獎
26 號是聖誕節後的大減價日, 會帶姪女去 outlet 買很多東西, 我也有一串清單要買
27 號會帶小孩及姪女去踏青吧, 好久沒去舊金山了,再去舊地重遊吧
28 號還要進公司一趟把年底盤點的報表印出來. 再帶大家去吃大餐吧
29 號小孩和姪女會去滑雪, 我又可以落得清閒了.
看來她還是會把愛情放在事業後面, 我也應該是如此吧, 畢竟未來一年新工作有得我學習,適應
感情還是要去經營的, 但不要去強求, 我相信有緣自然會在一起, 不要設定立場吧
來聽聽 Cher 雪兒 的 Believe
After love, after love [repeat]
No matter how hard I try
You keep pushing me aside
And I can't break through
There's no talking to you
So sad that you're leaving
Takes time to believe it
But after all is said and done
You're going to be the lonely one, Ohh Oh
Do you believe in life after love
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough,
Do you believe in life after love
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough,
What am I supposed to do
Sit around and wait for you
And I can't do that
There's no turning back
I need time to move on
I need love to feel strong
'Cause I've had time to think it through
And maybe I'm too good for you Ohh Oh
But I know that I'll get through this
'Cause I know that I am strong
I don't need you anymore
Oh I don't need you anymore I don't need you anymore
No I don't need you anymore
[CHORUS repeat to fade]