檔案狀態:    住戶編號:958441
 OWEN 的日記本
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篇名: 英文教學 (尚未分類)
作者: OWEN 日期: 2009.07.02  天氣:  心情:


Who in the world did it?(究竟是誰做了這件事?)
→in the world可作「到底」,「究竟」解,用以加強who, what, how等字的意思。這句的who是作疑問詞之用。

He who knows not and knows not he knows not, is dangerous, shun him.(其人不知而不知其不知,危矣,避之。)
He who knows not and knows he knows not, is simple, teach him.(其人不知而知其不知,憨矣,教之。)
He who knows and knows not he knows, is sleeping, wake him.(其人知而不知其知,昏矣,喚之。)
He who knows and knows he knows, is wise, follow him.(其人知而知其知,智矣,法之。)
→ 四句中的who作關係代名詞之用。

He who humbles himself will be made great.(自謙者人必尊之。)
He who makes himself great will be humbled.(自大者人必貶之。)
→ 這兩句中的who也是關係代名詞。

Who can help the many who are poor?(誰能幫助貧窮的多數人?)
Who can save the few who are rich?(誰能拯救富有的少數人?)
→ 上兩句中第一個who是疑問詞,第二個who是關係代名詞。the many (多數人),the few (少數人)。many和few是形容詞,形容詞前加定冠詞the就成了複數形的名詞。

Anyone who hears my teachings and obeys them is like a wise man who builds his house on solid rock.(任何一個聽到我的教誨並遵照著做的人就像一個聰明的人,他將房子建在堅硬的岩石上。)
Anyone who hears my teachings but does not obey them is like a foolish man who builds his house on loose sand.(任何一個聽到我的教誨,但不遵照著做的人就像一個愚蠢的人,他將房子建在鬆散的沙土上。)
→ 上兩句中的兩個who都是關係代名詞。

Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.(那些傻傻的騎在虎背上追尋權力的人最後進了老虎肚。)
→ 這句中的who也是關係代名詞。


1.Who are the best book keepers?(誰是最好的藏書人?)
The people who never return the books you lend them.(那些向你借書從不歸還的人。)

2.Who always has a number of movements on foot for making money?(誰常用腳做很多動作來賺錢?)
Dancing teacher.(教舞的老師。)

3.Who sees farther than a giant does?(誰比巨人看得更遠?)
Anyone who stands on his shoulder.(任何一個站在他肩上的人。)

4.Who is the most painstaking professional man?(誰是最用心專業的人?)
The dentist.(牙醫。)

5.Who are the best acrobats in your house?(你家中最好的特技師是誰?)
The pitchers and the tumblers.(水壺〔投手〕和玻璃杯〔翻筋斗的人〕。)
有句諺語:"Little pitchers have long ears."(字譯:小壺有長耳。意譯:兒童耳聰。)

6.Who is a man who always finds a thing dull?(誰總覺得事情乏味/誰總發現東西是鈍的?)
A scissors grinder.(磨剪刀的人。)→ 磨剪刀的人每天磨鈍的(dull)剪刀,當然會覺得事情乏味囉。

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