The Secret s Out台灣美食上了TIME
這期時代雜誌World Adviser單元挑了間台灣在地的美食小店專文介紹(TIME文章轉載如下),而且這間店一點也不偏遠,就在台北市永康街的巷弄間,名為「大隱酒食」(Jame s Kitchen Big Secret)難怪TIME專文要以the secret s out(秘密被揭發出來~)為名囉,圖個文字遊戲。原來這間店小小,台菜卻很道地:一碗滷肉飯、切小菜,涼拌,很舒適。據說營業時間到晚上十二點,下回開喜婆半晚上下課肯定會去轉轉吃吃看~在此也就順便將這間台灣之光料理店推薦給大家囉!
Taiwan cuisine is difficult to define — the brand is too recent and the influences too many — but a good place to start has come to Taipei via, of all places, the Caribbean s St. Martin and San Luis Obispo, Calif.
Those are some of the locations where James Tseng plied his trade for 34 years, sinking as low as providing all-purpose Chinese buffets before returning home to reclaim his roots with a vengeance. At James Kitchen Big Secret, tel: (886-2) 2343 2275 , on Yongkang Street s restaurant row (and at James Kitchen Small Secret, a nearby storefront that takes the inevitable overflow) the menus are primers of the island s homespun culinary techniques. Expect soups and stews that are a tangy mélange of dried fish, cabbage and pumpkin, supplemented by clams and grilled-whole local catches. Omelets come filled with radish and bamboo. Subtle spring onions from nearby Yilan county inform strips of salted pepper pork. It s good, rustic stuff, harking back to when Taiwan was a farming and fishing province, not a high-tech enclave enthralled by Japanese aesthetics and American doughnuts. It s also the perfect antidote to Taiwan s indigestibly deep-fried street food and its slavishly nostalgic showcases of other Chinese regional fare.
To Andy Chou, a local food researcher and TV commentator, Tseng s efforts represent "a tour of Taiwan for the tongue." Still, Tseng s foreign escapades were not all in vain. He says his next goal is to manufacture the "world s best beef jerky." That would blend right in with the country flavors of his island oasis.