crap 屎
asshole 屁眼,形容人
you bastard 你這混蛋,混帳
bull***** 屁話,胡說八道
bitch 婊子
damn it! 該死
what the hell is it? 這到底是什麼?(很生氣時都會加一個hell)
you are a jerk! 你這廢物,混蛋
fxxk you! 就中文的三字經啦!
what are you fxxk doing? 你X媽的在幹嘛?
you are a dead man! 你死定了!
you are so mean! 你好卑鄙!你好過份!
suck 爛透了(it sucks!)
go to hell! 你去死,你下地獄吧!
get out! 滾開
you are a chicken! 你是膽小鬼
shup up! 閉嘴
you idiot! 你這白癡