要和我親愛的 Romeo 說再見了
再一個多禮拜就要出差了, 她們媽媽不願接下來照顧他, 再加上未來也可能沒有這麼大的
房子讓他到處玩, 到處跑了
心中有太多的不捨, 如同刀割. 從他六週養起到現在六個月, 他陪我渡過了無數寂寞的夜晚
帶給我多少歡笑, 看著他從小 puppy 4磅 到現在的 24 磅, 變化不知有多少, 但沒變的是
那活潑可愛的模樣. 每日等待我回家撫摸他, 餵他, 陪他玩, 實在無法想像未來回家時見不到
他的光景, 不習慣吧, 但都會過去的
替他找到一對教會的退休的夫婦, 感謝天主, 她們一定會善待他的, 她們會比我有較多的時間
照顧他, 帶他去公園散步, 跑步. ROMEO 終於可以快樂的在外奔跑了
還好她們住在離我約 20 分鐘的車程, 我們以後還是可以去探望他的
對不起了我心愛的寵物, 我不會忘記你的. 剩下一週和他相處的時間, 會好好珍惜這 last moment
對感情的事也看開了, 不強求. 不預設立場. 隨緣吧, 能到君子之交也沒什麼不好
總好過過去四年那一個人守著自己. 啃囓孤獨的日子吧
新年新希望, 多交些朋友吧,多灑脫一點, 做回自己
來聽 Olivia Newton John 的 "I honestly love you" 給 Romeo
Maybe I hang around here
A little more than I should
We both know I got somewhere else to go
But I got something to tell you
That I never thought I would
But I believe you really ought to know
I love you
I honestly love you
You don't have to answer
I see it in your eyes
Maybe it was better left unsaid
This is pure and simple
And you should realize
That it's coming from my heart and not my head
I love you
I honestly love you
I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable
I'm not trying to make you anything at all
But this feeling doesn't come along everyday
And you shouldn't blow the chance
When you've got the chance to say
I love you
I honestly love you
If we both were born
In anoother place and time
This moment might be ending in a kiss
But there you are with yours
And here I am with mine
So I guess we'll just be leaving it at this
I love you
I honestly love you
I honestly love you