I’m at a place I don’t know what to do
I wish there are some where I can go.
I can’t even fall asleep at night
Her imagine is always in my sight.
I want to hold her and keep her by my side
But instead all my feeling I need to hide.
Her heart belong to one of my friend
And my world has come to an end.
I really thought she will be my soul mate
Beside her, there is no one I want to date.
I thought our love is meant to be
Stay side by side with me.
I will take care of her until the end of time
Even if all I have is only a dime.
I will give you all my love
Within time this I will prove.
Now I am trap in a place I can’t get out
Love her or not is all I am thinking about.
My heart is torn and I am in pain
Everyday to me now is like rain.
I guess faith is playing a funny game
I have no one else beside me to blame.
Now, we go our separate way
And this feeling will forever stay.
Stay in my heart, my head and in my mind
If you ever need some one you know who to find.
I will be there for you whenever you need
To make sure you are happy is my deed.
You are my angel and you fill my heart with joy
To see you smile, I am willing to be a fool or toy.
I am not lucky enough to love you
But I will forever care for you.