終於和老爸打牌了, 打從他兩年前從美國回到台灣, 我就沒和他打過牌
也因為他的脾氣不太好, 好多朋友及孫女都不願陪他打了
昨晚大戰八圈牌, 結果他是大輸家, 哥是大贏家
我前四圈贏了不少, 但晚飯後看老爸手氣不好(不過昨牌品還不錯, 有改進) 我就開始隨便打
而且也不胡他的, 搞到我還小輸. 還好老哥也只收老爸一半的錢, 大家一邊打一邊聊
打牌目的達到了, 所以也算是皆大歡喜啦
今晚第二回合聽哥說大姪女小倩要下場而且他是高手呢, 要會會她看他有多利害. 呵
下午要開始做菜了. 我發現好多菜都是肉且大姐說要做清蒸鱸魚, 所以我改做炒芥蘭臘肉
加上回鍋肉及糖醋排骨, 也要忙囉
二十年沒在家和家人過年了,還要親手發紅包給下一代及及下下代 (我是舅公呢)
好高興, 希望以後每年都回來過年, 如果能帶寶貝兒子們回來就更好了
來聽 Richard Sanderson 的 Reality
Met you by surprise, I didn't realize
That my life would change forever
Saw you standing there, I didn't know I cared
There was something special in the air.
Dreams are my reality
The only real kind of real fantasy
Illusions are a common thing
I try to live in dreams
It seems as if it's meant to be.
Dreams are my reality
A different kind of reality
I dream of loving in the night
And loving seems alright
Although it's only fantasy.
If you do exist, honey don't resist
Show me a new way of loving
Tell me that it's true
Show me what to do
I feel something special about you.
Dreams are my reality
The only kind of reality
Maybe my foolishness has past
And maybe now at last
I'll see how a real thing can be.
Dreams are my reality
A wonderous world where I like to be
I dream of holding you all night
And holding you seems right
Perhaps that's my reality.
Met you by surprise, I didn't realize
That my life would change forever
Tell me that it's true
Feelings that are cue
I feel something special about you.
Dreams are my reality
A wonderous world where I like to be
Illusions are a common thing
I try to live in dreams
Although it's only fantasy.
Dreams are my reality
I like to dream of you close to me
I dream of loving in the night
And loving you seems right
Perhaps that's my reality.