Hello All
On Monday, Whizz-Kidz (for any of you that don't know that's the charity for disabled children that i work for) launched its new website - very exciting (for me anyway - cos I've been working on it for about a year!!).
To celebrate the launch easyJet are kindly supporting a 'CLICK AND GIVE' campaign which means if you visit www.whizz-kidz.org.uk now and click on a button on our home page, for every click, easyJet will give us 25p!
We are aiming to get 200,000 clicks in record time (£50,000). It is so simple and ABSOLUTELY FREE to you but raises money for disabled children. So, if you have two seconds to spare, please visit our site www.whizz-kidz.org.uk and click on the button that takes you to a promotional page where you can CLICK AND GIVE (you also get a chance to win free flights whilst you're there!).
Do then feel free to click back to our site and have a browse. I hate bombarding people with emails but as this is very simple, free and for charity please can you forward it on to everyone within your address book so we can get the world 'click and giving'!
Lucy Norrey
Communications Officer, Whizz-Kidz
020 7798 6102
Transform the life of a disabled child
There are so many ways you can help us give disabled children the independence they've only ever dreamed of.
Run the New York City Marathon, climb Mt Kilimanjaro,
sign a Direct Debit, host a Garden Party!
Or even nominate us as your company's charity of the year
Visit our website for more ideas www.whizz-kidz.org.uk <http://www.whizz-kidz.org.uk <>>
Or call us on 020 7233 6600
Whizz-Kidz is a national charity that changes the lives of disabled children by providing advice, information and customised mobility equipment that is not available from the NHS.
Whizz-Kidz 1 Warwick Row, London, SW1E 5ER
020 7233 6600
Registered Charity No. 802872
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