比爾蓋茲:生活是不公平的,你要去適應它。 愛因斯坦:凡在小事上對真理持輕率態度的人,在大事上也是不可信任的。 魯迅:時間就像海綿里的水,只要願擠,總還是有的。 時間就是生命,無端地浪費別人的時間,其實是無異於謀財害命的。 莎士比亞:人的一生是短的,但如果卑劣地 ...《看全文》
PAPER GANGSTA--by Lady GaGa----cool~ Don't want no PAPER GANGSTA Won't sign away my life to Someone whose got the flavor But don' ...《看全文》
I Like It Rough ---by Lady GaGa-----awesome~ You got me wondering why I I like it rough, I-I like it rough, I-I like it rough You ...《看全文》
Give In To Me --by Michael Jackson -----so amazing ~ She always takes it with a heart of stone 'Cause all she does is throw it b ...《看全文》
Come Together--by michael jackson ----Wow~ idol He wear no shoe shine He's got toe jam football He's got monkey finger He shoo ...《看全文》
Brown Eyes---by Lady Gaga -----cool If everything was everything But everything is over Everything could be everything If only we ...《看全文》