生命希望在於生存,在於創造成價值 ...《看全文》
人活著就是在夾縫中求生存,在生存法則中就要有自己目標理想。 理想並不是自矜,亦非是炫奇,更不是亂想,或不帶野心 自矜只會讓自己另一方面的自卑,炫奇不過是為了自大喜功, 亂想更是豪無目標的途徑,野心是出於自私與佔有, 真正的目標理想乃是一種對真善美價值的 ...《看全文》
This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream. ...《看全文》
The study certainly is not the life complete. But, since continually life part of-studies also is unable to conquer, what buta ...《看全文》
With a little hard work, your creativity takes you to great heights. Through greater effort and hard work a precious dream comes ...《看全文》
人生起起落落,順享逆受錯綜複雜,是禍是福倚伏,跌跌宕宕多姿 ,當你意志頹蹶不振時、情緒難過不佳之時,何不來共賞朝陽、晨 色之美,享受那份心境聖靈之美味,儲備下一步繼續出發的競爭力呢? ...《看全文》